
Can martial arts help with sex?

Can martial arts help with sex?

When we think about martial arts, we often picture people in karate uniforms breaking boards or performing high-flying kicks. But there’s a deeper side to these practices – one that can impact every aspect of our lives, including our sexual health.

Yes, practicing martial arts can improve your sexual health. You don’t have to be stuck at home watching video porno to get better sex.

In this article, we’ll explore how martial arts can positively affect your physical fitness, mental health, body awareness, and confidence, all of which play crucial roles in our sexual well-being.

Effective Ju Jitsu Techniques for Self-Defense Situations

Effective Ju Jitsu Techniques for Self-Defense Situations

Have you ever felt unsafe and wished you knew some self-defense techniques? Maybe you’ve seen Ju Jitsu classes advertised and wondered if it could be helpful in a real-life situation. Well, you’re on the right track! Ju Jitsu is a fantastic martial art renowned for its effectiveness in self-defense, particularly for people who might not be the biggest or strongest.

Common Jiu-Jitsu Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Two martial artists engaged in a Jiu-Jitsu training session, demonstrating techniques and skills.

Jiu-Jitsu is a captivating martial art that combines technique, strategy, and athleticism. Practitioners of this art form not only gain valuable self-defense skills but also experience personal growth and physical fitness. However, like any physical activity, Jiu-Jitsu comes with its own set of challenges, and one of the most common hurdles practitioners face is injuries. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the world of Jiu-Jitsu injuries, highlighting their prevalence and, more importantly, providing detailed insights into how you can prevent them.

Jiu Jitsu Love: Benefits of Dating a Grappler

jiu jitsu ground fighting

Let’s face it, jiu jitsu practitioners spend all their time training to be good at fighting on the ground and this includes knowing multiple positions and how to transition between them and, most importantly, how to use your hips and control your opponent on the floor.

That sounds a lot like sex! So, let’s talk about why jiu jitsu practitioners would make better lovers than any pornstar from your favorite porno movies.

The Mental Benefits of Practicing Jiu-Jitsu: Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Two men practicing ground fighting in Jiu Jitsu

Are you looking for ways to manage your stress and anxiety? Have you considered practicing Jiu-Jitsu? This martial art not only improves physical fitness but also has numerous mental health benefits. In fact, Jiu-Jitsu has been proven to be effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. In this article, we will explore the mental benefits of practicing Jiu-Jitsu and how you can incorporate it into your routine to promote better mental health.

The Science Behind Jiu-Jitsu and Mental Health

Exercise is scientifically proven to improve mental health by reducing stress, anxiety and depression. By increasing the production of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine in the brain, exercise helps to regulate mood, promote relaxation, and regulate sleep patterns. However, not all forms of exercise are equally effective in promoting mental well being. Jiu-Jitsu has a unique combination of physical activity, problem-solving, and social interaction that makes it an particularly effective tool for promoting mental health.

The experience of practicing Jiu-Jitsu involves a high level of physical exertion, which alone is an effective way to manage stress and anxiety. However, the benefits of Jiu-Jitsu don’t end there. This martial art requires mental focus, strategic problem-solving, and a sense of constant improvement, all of which contribute to the overall mental health benefits of the practice.

Reducing Stress

One of the biggest mental benefits of Jiu-Jitsu is that it helps to reduce stress. Training in this martial art requires intense focus and concentration, which helps to distract from daily worries and problems. Through the practice of techniques, drills, and sparring, Jiu-Jitsu practitioners are able to channel their energy into a productive outlet. This makes it an effective stress management tool that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine.

Additionally, the sense of community and support from fellow practitioners can also contribute to the stress-reducing benefits of Jiu-Jitsu. Being a member of a Jiu-Jitsu gym promotes inclusivity, creating a safe environment for people to destress and relax.

Alleviating Anxiety

Anxiety is a common mental health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Studies have shown that Jiu-Jitsu can be an effective tool in alleviating anxiety. A major contributing factor to anxiety is a lack of control over situations. Jiu-Jitsu provides a controlled environment for its practitioners, helping to alleviate the feeling of anxiety by promoting focus, discipline, and a sense of control.

The problem-solving aspect of Jiu-Jitsu helps practitioners develop a sense of control over their own lives. As they master techniques and strategies, they become more confident in their ability to face challenges and overcome obstacles both on and off the mat. Additionally, the physical activity of Jiu-Jitsu helps to release endorphins, which naturally alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of well-being.

Improving Depression

Depression is another mental health issue that is prevalent in our society. Along with stress, anxiety and other mental health struggles, depression can be alleviated through physical activity. The endorphins released during physical activity have an anti-depressant effect and can improve mood.

Jiu-Jitsu provides a further benefit in that it gives a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Through the practise of Jiu-Jitsu, one can continuously improve and develop mastery. This feeling of achievement and progress can go a long way in helping those who struggle with depression to have a greater sense of worth.

Boosting Confidence

Another major benefit of Jiu-Jitsu is that it promotes confidence. Practicing this martial art requires perseverance and dedication, traits that translate into other areas of life. Through Jiu-Jitsu training, practitioners learn to overcome obstacles and challenges, which boosts their self-esteem and confidence. This newfound confidence can translate into mental health benefits, such as reduced stress and anxiety.

Additionally, the physicality of Jiu-Jitsu promotes greater body awareness and self-esteem. As practitioners improve their technique, they develop a greater sense of control over their own bodies. This can result in greater self-confidence and self-esteem outside of the gym.

Social Benefits

Another aspect to consider is the social benefits of practicing Jiu-Jitsu. As you progress in your practice, you will have the opportunity to meet and interact with other people who share your passion. This sense of community and support can be a great aid in promoting mental health. Jiu-Jitsu gyms strive to be places where everyone feels welcomed. The social bonds you form during Jiu-Jitsu can lead to a deeper sense of belonging and purpose in life.

Two men practicing ground fighting in Jiu Jitsu

Incorporating Jiu-Jitsu into Your Routine

Jiu-Jitsu can be incorporated into any fitness routine, whether it be a daily activity or a weekly one. Typically, classes last between one to two hours and with different levels according to the student’s experience.


In conclusion, Jiu-Jitsu is an excellent way to improve your mental wellbeing by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, while also boosting your confidence and self-esteem. Its unique combination of intense physical activity, mental focus, and strategic problem-solving provide practitioners with a productive outlet for their energy and a safe space to feel supported and encouraged.

The social aspect of Jiu-Jitsu is also an important contributor to mental wellbeing, as it provides a sense of community and belonging. Incorporating Jiu-Jitsu into your fitness routine is an excellent way to promote better mental health and become part of a welcoming community of fitness enthusiasts.

So why not give Jiu-Jitsu a try and experience its many physical and mental health benefits for yourself?

Sources Used:

  1. Top 8 Mental Health Benefits Of BJJ
  1. The Surprising Psychological And Meditative Benefits Of BJJ
  1. BJJ for Mental Health – Benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Throughout his many years of practicing and competing Jiu-Jitsu, ten-time world champion Roger Gracie has gathered a vast knowledge of the gentle art and the steps necessary to evolve in the sport. In an interview with our friends at Graciemag.com, Roger shared seven tips to improve your technique and maximize your effectiveness on the mats. Check them out!

1 – Keep Calm

‘Whenever someone is surprised by my calmness, I like to say that’ losing control is losing the fight ‘. If a fighter is under attack and decides to fight without much thought, he will just move in favor of adjusting position. The good fighter must be patient. If you struggle, you will lose oxygen faster and make hasty decisions. Starting to swim without thinking can send a castaway even further to the bottom. However, if he is calm, he can emerge easily. ‘

2 – Be Creative

‘Keep an open mind and let your creativity and adaptability flow. I switched armlock from guard when a white belt clamped my kimono awkwardly and I felt uncomfortable. I saw there was a way there and developed an innovation. ‘

3 – Believe in your ability

‘Many fighters are already defeated before the fight even starts. It’s a mental issue … I don’t want to sound arrogant, but you need to tell yourself that you will win and that you can accomplish this feat. The fighter needs to be convinced of his ability. The competitive world at the highest level does not tolerate doubt, so trust your potential. ‘

4 – Use your weight:

‘Although it seems obvious, few people do what is necessary: use their weight to crush the opponent. When I’m on top, regardless of which pass I want to use, I’m always using my body and pushing myself over the opponent, distributing my weight to never convey the feeling of lightness to the opponent.

There is nothing complex or special about my passes, except that I am constantly calculating and recalculating my position in order not to give way to the opponent.

The logic is this: whoever is at the back needs space to move and thus seek replacement, sweep, or finish. If you give space and throw your weight back, the opponent will be free to move. Now, if you project your body at him, the guard fighter will have to absorb your weight, so he will not move efficiently. ‘

5 – Increase the difficulty of your training

‘It is necessary to put yourself in really dangerous situations during training. If you train against an ineffective attack, your defense will also be ineffective. And vice versa.’

6 – It is not about strength

‘What I often see nowadays are fighters who invest a lot in muscular strength and with it they can get rid of some attacks based on explosive force. It turns out that if they get tired, they will be forced to tap.

This also creates another problem. When the subject gets addicted to escaping from a position with force and wants to get rid of it somehow, he doesn’t learn to think about the mechanism of the movement.

The trick is to understand the why of things. Know why the choke is putting pressure or not. This makes it easier for you to position yourself, look for the opponent’s lever that provides the main support for the attack and disarm it. ‘

7 – Prioritize Jiu-Jitsu

‘To be physically prepared to fight Jiu-Jitsu, train Jiu-Jitsu as much as possible. Other activities can help, but they can also hinder. If you train a lot with weights, you can get stiff, and Jiu-Jitsu requires mobility and flexibility.

You can run as much as you want, but this will not be as effective as training several sessions with short breaks between sparring to get your body used to the toughness of competition. If you want to have a strong kimono grip, working out is not the main thing. It is better to train and put in as much effort as possible so that you are not broken by your teammates during training. ‘


Jiu-Jitsu is a sport that has been growing every year in the world. More and more new students are joining gyms and starting to train the soft art. Therefore, we have prepared some important tips for those who want to start training Jiu-Jitsu.

1 – Respect

The first tip is respect. Jiu-Jitsu, more than a sport, is a martial art that preaches respect for the master, fellow students, and hierarchy. Never disrespect someone during a Jiu-Jitsu training session. You can beat an opponent who is bigger, or better ranked than you, but always maintain respect for him.

2 – Physical Preparation

Speaking specifically about training, it is good that your physical fitness is up to date. A Jiu-Jitsu workout is usually long and intense. The warm-up is very strong, and focuses a lot on the aerobic part, with running around the tatami and polichinelos, for example. After all the warm-up is that comes the roll, which is when the two students face each other on the tatame, applying the blows taught by the teacher.

3 – Nutrition

Eat well before and after training, and prioritize healthy eating. A Jiu-Jitsu student burns an average of 1000 calories per workout. Therefore, pre-workout nutrition is very important, so that you have the strength and disposition to support the intense pace. The ideal is to eat something an hour in advance. The post-workout diet is essential for muscle recovery, since there is a lot of wear and tear. On this specific subject, we have written a text here on the site. Just click here to access it (insert link to the article about “What to eat before and after training”)

4 – Kimono

Choosing a good kimono is fundamental. Some brands stand out, such as Koral, Atama, Keiko, KVRA, Vulkan, Venum, Cascagrossa, and Red Nose. Besides deciding which kimono to use, you need to keep it clean. Wash it after every workout. If you train every day, buy at least two kimonos to take turns. A good tip to reduce the stink on kimonos is to use a rash guard, which is a lycra shirt that sticks to the body and prevents sweat from going directly onto the kimono.

5 – Patience

You are starting a totally new activity. The people who will train with you will be at more advanced stages, but your evolution will be gradual, and you will reach their level as well. Take the opportunity to learn from the more experienced ones. Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that allows you to beat bigger and more experienced opponents, as long as you know the technique well. So observe a lot and pay attention to details. This will make all the difference.

6 – Dedication

If you want to develop your jiu-jitsu faster, train every day. The repetition of the moves you learn in training will make this movement become automatic for you. The more you repeat it on the roll, the more adapted you will be to it, and so, when you are in a situation where you can apply this move to finish an opponent, you will do it more easily. Always remember: in Jiu-Jitsu, technique is determinant to decide who will win.

The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

The traditional Japanese martial art called Ju-Jitsu is a fighting system that uses grappling and striking. It is not unlike mixed martial art or martial arts in that it incorporates elements from the other martial art types. In this method of learning the art, practitioners would use the Kyokushinkai, or “four limbs”. The arms are also used as an offensive technique, often to attempt a takedown. The legs and the torso are used as a defense, but primarily as a means to throw opponents, or attempt to pin them down. There is no limit to how many techniques can be applied in this style of fighting.

Discovering a bit more about Ju-Jitsu

A martial art with many variations, the ancient Japanese sport of Ju-jitsu was brought to the West by Karate master Morihei Ueshiba, who founded the Universal Peace Federation in 1917. It is a self-defense system that incorporates various techniques from many different disciplines of traditional Japanese martial arts, including Shotokan karate and judo. Today, Ju-jitsu can be used as either an offensive or defensive method to defeat or subdue unarmed or weaponless attackers or to subdue any opponent.